Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 1 Weigh In (Friday the 18th)

(Sorry we had to leave town and visit the in-laws on Friday night and I wasn't able to update on time but the photos are taken and post is written on Friday. I just couldn't get them together before I left)

OK, I'm doing it. Posting a photo of myself in my yoga clothes and I am going to wear the same clothes for each Friday photo so that you can see the difference. I am no longer hiding from the truth about my weight. This morning I stepped on the scale and it read 218.8 pounds or for those that want kilos 99kg (I'm 5 foot 10 inches or 178cm).

This week was bad for me. I put on weight. I was stressed over something that I didn't have control over so I lost control of my eating. Anything that I could get my hands on that was high in fat and simple sugars I stuffed in my mouth. I almost get frantic to find chocolate. Yesterday I told myself that enough was enough and I quit. No more binging. Back to reality.
I don't have the right to do this to myself. I don't have the right to be obese. I have a family that depends on me to be healthy and to live a long life. I have a good husband that supports me and is an amazing father. He deserves a healthy, sexy wife. My boys deserve a happy, more energetic mom.

OK you amazing people out there in cyberspace. I want you to write this in the comments section and also say it out loud: Even though I am over weight, I truly and utterly love and accept myself.

I know it sounds corny. But try it. See how you feel. If you are willing then I would love to hear how you felt when you said that out loud. If you don't believe it then I want you to keep telling yourself that every morning in front of the mirror. How can you truly love and respect others if you don't love and respect yourself.
Also, if you are going to loose weight with me, my goal for this week is to not go over my 1600 calorie limit a day and go for a 30 minute walk with my boys in the stroller 3 times before my next weigh in. Baby steps is the way to go to make good choices habits. What is your baby step goal?

So if you are doing this with me then I need a weigh in, your written agreement of loving and accepting yourself as you are, what your baby step is toward living a healthier lifestyle and your thoughts and feelings about that. If you don't want anybody to know who you are then write this up anonymously  in the comments section. But stepping on the scale and telling someone you trust your true weight every week is a big step toward becoming a healthier you and to quit hiding and being ashamed.


  1. I think I would kill to be back down to 218. I haven't seen that since I first met my husband and that was 3.5 years ago.

    In my defense, I did gain some weight after we were married...and while I was pregnant...but I gained most of it before that. Hrm.

    Someday, it'll come off.

  2. Renee,
    You are welcome to join me one baby step at a time. Making small changes each month can help you loose weight with out realizing it. Before I had my kids I lost 36 pounds over the course of a year and a half. It was slow but steady. First I stopped drinking my calories in soda. I lost 10 pounds my first month of that. I hated diet soda but I found one that worked for me. Coke zero. Then I started walking on the tread mill 20 min each day only on the second speed while watching a tv show. At the time I couldn't do more than that. But I got better and better. It's all about one habit at a time. It takes a whole month to start a new habit. Please Join Me!

  3. Ólöf mín. þér tekst þetta alveg þú getur gert allt sem að þú setur hug þinn við. flott að fara að bakka áður en að þú sérð töluna 100... hún er örugglega ekki góð. Gangi þér vel krúttið mitt. Lífið er ljúft þegar að maður nær tökum á auka kg. :)

  4. Bravo to you for starting on your journey to a healthier life. I will be here in NY half a continent away cheering you on.

    I was always thin until menopause slowed my metabolism down to a crawl. My doctor would like me to lose 25 pounds so I have started working out at Curves 3 days a week and added 1 or 2 Curves Zumba classes to my schedule. The weight is coming off VERY slowly, but I have already lost 10.5 inches and lowered my BMI (body mass index) 2.5 points.

  5. I/m proud of you for posting those pictures! That takes a lot of courage and strength. I've been followin your knitting blog for a while now and was excited to learn about this new blog. I would love to come along on the journey. I'm a 29 year old graduate student. No children but I work 3 jobs, volunteer and go to school full time. I have a hard time staying motivated. I try to eat well but then have one bad day and it continues. I am 5'10" and 190 lbs. I signed up for a 10k today. It's on July 10th. I want to start training now as I'm running it with two skinny friends who are really in shape. sounds like torture to me. :)

    holly w

  6. "Even though I am over weight, I truly and utterly love and accept myself." :o)

    You're an inspiration and I am following your blog. You inspire me to do the same! Gotta lose at least 40 lbs.!

  7. Hi girl
    I decided to follow your blog. What you are doing is amazing, even if it's just one baby step at the time.
    My mum has battled with weight my entire life, so I know the ups and downs of it.
    Glad to see you do this for yourself, just don't forget to turn those pages as well. (Oh, who am I to speak...)


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